Saturday, 30 April 2016

day15 - being healthy

I have been on a downward spiral for a loooong time now with health and fitness. There was a period of time before I left home that I was super fit (by my standards) because I cycled all the time, ate quite healthy, walked long distances all the time among other things. Then I left home and the unhealthiness began. I moved into the city centre, so I don't walk anywhere near as much as I did 7 years ago. And I've been able to choose my own food for a long time too. I think one of my biggest downfalls was realising that I can order takeaway WHENEVER I WANT. I have pushed that one to its limits. 

So, I have decided to become fit and healthy again. I have made this decision dozens, if not hundreds of times over the last few years, with varying success, but always ended up back where I started. I've just started couch to 5k for maybe the fourth time in my life, the difference being this time I actually have the time to do it. I don't need to squeeze it in before work, or sacrifice sleep. I've just done day two and I feel amazing already. I feel great that I've actually bothered to start it again, and that I've managed two days. Sounds silly, but to me it's significant and that's what matters. 

I'm also eating better. No more takeaways, not that I can afford them anymore anyway seeing as I don't have an income for the next six months. It's easier because it's "salad weather", and spring is a time for renewal anyway. No better time than to try and change bad habits.

Here is what I threw together for lunch:

The veg is just some sweet potato, fine beans, and posh broccoli that I needed to use up. The pepper is the delicious and interesting bit. Here's how I made it:

preheat the oven to like, 220 degrees (I actually forgot to do this, but next time I will). boiled *some* pearl barley (I never measure, and always do too much) with a veggie stock cube. While that was doing its thing in the pan, I chopped up a spring onion, some parsley, some olives, and three cherry tomatoes, and popped in a bowl with a crushed clove of garlic. When the pearl barley was ready I drained it and mixed it in with the chopped up stuff, then stirred in a small handful of grated cheddar.

Then I cut the top off a pepper, pulled out the seeds and the pithy bit, and filled it with the pearl barley mixture. Then popped it in the oven for about 20 mins. I put mine in an empty ramekin to make him stand up, else they tend to topple over and all the guts spill out. 

I actually ended up with double the amount of pearl barley mixture to what I needed, so I stuffed a second pepper I had spare and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.

I made this up out of things that just needed using up, but it was actually very tasty. It was quite strong on the garlic, but I love garlic so that was okay for me. I would say that if anyone else wanted to give it a go, maybe use less garlic if you're not quite the enthusiast I am. 

I love food. 

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day 12 - I made a tart

I used to bake all the time, in fact for a while I even had a blog devoted to baking. Alas, life got in the way and laziness prevailed, and I stopped baking regularly for quite a long time. Thing is, I LOVE baking. I love mixing and sieving and rolling and tasting the mixture. I hate waiting for it to cook. But I reeeeeaaaallllly love eating it. 

So, now I have all the time in the world, I thought I'd have a flick through some of my old foodie magazines for something yummy. For the recipe I found, we have to go back in time to the September 2012 issue of Delicious magazine, which as it happened had a page bookmarked as something I really wanted to make. This here recipe for a lemon and lime tart:

I've not made a lemon and lime tart before, but it turned out to be quite straightforward. I've made shortcrust pastry loads of times, so that was easy, but I did forget (and it's not mentioned in the recipe) that pastry shrinks when you cook it. I trimmed the top of the pastry to the top of my tart dish, then when I took it out of the oven to remove the baking beans (actually some dried chickpeas, much cheaper and just as good!) the sides had shrunk to about 1cm. I ended up butchering some taller sides with the leftover pastry before putting it back in the oven, which actually worked surprisingly well. Not the neatest of edges, but it did the job.

The filling wasn't too difficult either. Basically mixing some egg with some sugar and lemon/lime juice, then plopping in some zest. It was super runny, which I didn't expect. I thought I might have messed up somewhere but it turns out that's how it's supposed to be.

The actual cooking part was easy but boring, as was the chilling at the end. Those are the most difficult parts for me because I am very impatient, especially when it comes to food. As far as I'm concerned the only place food should be is either in my mouth or my tummy. We ate some nachos while it cooled to stave off the urge to delve in while it was still hot. 

This was the outcome: 

Just kidding, that's the picture from the magazine. 

Here's the one I made:

It's supposed to serve 12, but that's 12 normal people. We are greedy people. 
Also you can see my dodgy edges from where I had to bodge them together. 


The recipe specifically states that it's best eaten on the same day. While I would agree it was best when it was fresh, it was still tasty a couple of days later too when kept in the fridge. It went a bit juicy on top, and the pastry a bit soggy, but it still tasted good. 

All in all, I'd give this tasty tart a 7 out of 10. I'd rate it higher, but I did mess up the edges a bit.

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Sunday, 17 April 2016

day 1 - food and wine in Brighton.

It's my birthday in a week's time, I'm going to be 26! No longer a Young Person, I get to graduate to Regular Person.

Originally, I was going to go to Brighton with Emma for the weekend, but then we remembered that we are poor and couldn't quite afford to do that, so we went for the day instead.

Brighton is one of my favourite cities ever, and one day I would like to live there. It's got the sea on one side and the South Downs on the other, and a very vibrant and liberal culture. I love all those things.

Our general plan for the day was drink, eat, drink, beach, drink, eat, drink. We did quite well at sticking to this plan, starting with wine on the train, then wine and nachos at Yates, then wine on the beach, then we went to the arcade (slight deviation), then dinner and wine at Wetherspoons. All in all I would say a great success.

here we are on the train. Not featured: flask of wine.

fun on the beach!

We kept being sat at table 5 by complete coincidence.

Wine on the beach!

I love the sea.

The sky was kinda angry, but not enough to rain on us.

Brain, just in case.

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Friday, 15 April 2016

day 0 - the grand list for the grand adventure

Welcome to my grand adventure. Or quarter life crisis, however you want to look at it.

Either way, I have six and a half months off work, 198 days to be precise, to do whatever I want to do.

So, given that the world is kinda my oyster now, I figured I should probably at least make a list (I love lists) of things I would like to do during the next 198 days:

- grow food at my allotment
- actually clear the allotment in the first place so I can grow food
- travel round Europe
- go back to Amsterdam
- visit Croatia. Apparently is super nice.
- Canada maybe?
- learn to run far. more specifically, be able to run at least 5k (may base fitness is shocking)
- reach my goal weight
- see the Aurora Borealis
- actually leave the country is probably a good starting point
- bloggy mcblog
- move house
- read books
- figure out what it is I actually want to do with my life
- and work out how to do it
- write some fiction
- finally visit my buddy Gordon in Scottish Land after all these years
- celebrate Eurovision
- celebrate halloween (this will actually be my 198th day)
- go to MCM comic con
- beer festivals!

aaaaand probably a whole bunch of other stuff  (I'll add when I think of things)

It feels super strange not having to go to work for six months, and super scary knowing I'm not going to have a reliable income (or any income actually) until like, Novermber. I have savings though, but obviously they're not infinte. must be careful, must do a budget! Right now I'm technically on paid holiday, so I'm not worried too much yet, but I will need to have a Real and Grown-up look at my finances soon, else I might be crawling back to work early because I have run out of money.

It'll probably be fine.

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